Submission of scientific papers that have already been published in indexed journals is not allowed. However, papers that are not yet submitted or currently under review are eligible for submission.
The submitting author must complete and submit a disclosure form for potential conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or author's institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author's decisions, work, or abstract. The ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflict of Interest ( will be used. Your submission will not be considered final until disclosure information is complete.
The submitting author must confirm that the submitted research was approved by the author's affiliated institution's institutional review board (IRB). Abstracts that involve human studies must confirm that informed consent was obtained from each subject and/or legal guardian, or that waiver of consent was granted by the IRB.
The KSA reserves the right to withdraw an abstract at any time.
Online Abstract Submission
온라인 초록제출 안내
제출 초록 및 발표 언어
Research 초록
Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion 작성 필수
Reference는 최대 2개(총 500자)
Case Report 초록
Introduction, Case Report, Conclusion 작성 필수
제목 글자 수
300자 (띄어쓰기 제외)
전체 글자 수
3,400자 (띄어쓰기 제외)
최대 2개
* KSA 측에서 초록 수정은 불가능하오니 최종적으로 제출하시기 전에 꼼꼼하게 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
* ‘초록제목’ 및 ‘저자명’ 을 본문에 기입하는 것을 삼가 주시기 바랍니다.
* 초록 작성 중 글자 수 확인이 가능하며, 글자 수가 초과되면 더 이상 작성되지 않습니다.
The KSA will not edit abstracts. Carefully review your abstract for grammar and syntax prior to submission.
The abstract title is limited to 300 letters (excluding spaces).
Should consist of four sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
The Background section should clearly state the study hypothesis, and the Methods and Results should be written in sufficient detail to support the conclusions.
The abstract text is limited to 3,400 letters (excluding spaces).
Up to two references (refer to the submission guidelines of the KJA) are allowed, limited to a total of 500 characters.
Please do not include the abstract title and name of the authors in the main text.
Case report
The text should include Introduction, Case report, and Conclusion, and is limited to 3,400 letters (excluding spaces).
Up to two figures or tables are allowed for each abstract.
You can check the number of characters while you are entering your abstract. When the character count limit is exceeded, contents will be automatically deleted as much as the number of characters exceeded.
Abstract Competition Information
Nominees of the Abstract Award will be notified by the KSA.
Each nominee will give a presentation in English followed by Q&A and discussion of abstract as below:
10 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of Q&A
The presenter should submit a presentation slide deck in English.
(Please refer to the ‘Abstract Presentation File Submission Guideline’ on the below for more details)
Please upload your presentation file by Oct 20 (Sun).
Every presenting author of the abstract must be registered by the date of Sep 30 (Mon).
If the registration and the payment are not done appropriately by the date, the abstract will be withdrawn.
The time and place of the presentation will be announced by the Secretariat in September.
More detailed instruction will be available in September.
Abstract Presentation & E-Poster Session Information
Each presenter will give a presentation in English followed by Q&A and discussion of abstract as below:
9 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of Q&A
The presenter should submit a presentation slide deck in English.
(Please refer to the ‘Abstract Presentation File Submission Guideline’ on the below for more details)
Please upload your presentation file by Oct 20 (Sun).
Every presenting author of the abstract must be registered by the date of Sep 30 (Mon).
If the registration and the payment are not done appropriately by the date, the abstract will be withdrawn.
The time and place of the presentation will be announced by the Secretariat in September.
More detailed instruction will be available in September.
The presentation file has to be saved in the name as follows
(Individual presentation code can be found in the abstract presentation instruction e-mail)
: ‘Presentation Code_Abstract Number’ / ex) AC-01_2019-0001
Secretariat of KoreAnethesia 2019 DOES NOT modify or update the presentation file to avoid any fairness issue.
Please bring the presentation file on the USB drive on-site at the congress.
More detailed instruction will be available on September.
● Equipment in the Session Room
Session rooms will be equipped with a computer running Windows OS (not Mac OS), projector and microphone.
Podiums will be equipped with a monitor, mouse and a smart pointer (No keyboard).
We DO NOT recommend using your own laptop computer to avoid problems with computer-projector compatibility.
● E-Poster Session Information
Four presenters will proceed presentation simultaneously in one session.
Attendees of each session will listen to the presentation with a wireless receiver.
Wireless receivers will be provided at the on-site table.
- Attendees get to choose a presentation which they would like to hear by adjusting the wireless receiver channel.