Workshop 7. Basic Pharmacology
- Time, Place and Language
- Oct 31 (Thu) 13:30-17:00, Room 10, Korean
- Moderator and Instructors
- Moderator :
- Gyu-Jeong Noh (University of Ulsan, Korea)
- Instructors :
- Kyung Mi Kim (Hallym University, Korea)
- Jae-Hong Park (Inje University, Korea)
- Description
This workshop aims to improve understanding of the basic principles of anesthetic pharmacology. Mathematics for deriving pharmacokinetic equations are discussed. The attendees practice to derive mathematical functions of plasma or effect-site concentration over time for 4-compartment model, in which an effect compartment is added to 3-compartment mammillary pharmacokinetic model. Mathematical principles for target-controlled infusion as well as linear pharmacokinetics and principle of superposition are discussed.
- Learning Objectives
- The attendees understand 2 kinetics of drug transfer in the body.
- The attendees understand Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform, matrix notation of simultaneous equations, determinant, and Cramer’s rule.
- A simultaneous system of ordinary differential equations denoting the rate of change of drug amount in each compartment is built to obtain functions of drug amount in the central and effect compartments in Laplace domain.
- The general partial fraction theorem of Benet is applied to perform inverse Laplace transform of these drug amount functions in Laplace domain, and finally drug amount functions in the central and effect compartments in time domain are derived.
- Principle of superposition in linear pharmacokinetics is a key prerequisite for target-controlled infusion.
- The attendees understand proportional equations to calculate the infusion rate required to reach a target concentration in the plasma and effect-site.